CELESTINE – Madagascar – GFS0393

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 550,00 +TAX


Sakoany deposit, Katsepy Commune, Mitsinjo District, Boeny, Madagascar

6,5×5,3×4 cm. ( main crystal 6×2,1×1,3 cm.)

Celestine is a classic collectable mineral which must be present in every aesthetic collection; this cluster show a great combination of transparent blue Celestine crystals aesthetically assembled in a small cabinet. Acrylic base included.

The famous locality that has produced tons of magnificent Celestine specimens is located near the village of Sakoany, on the western side of the banks of the Betsiboka River; The Celestine was first discovered in 1967 and the diggings first started close to the seashore. In spite of the large quantities extracted over time from this renowned deposit, Celestine has retained a great allure due to its extraordinary beauty, seductive color, luster, and transparency – qualities that few other minerals exhibit. 

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