FLUORITE – Morocco – GFS0334

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 700,00 +TAX


Taourirt Complex, Taourirt Province, Oriental Region, Morocco

7×6,5×6 cm.

Multi stepped crystallized cubic Fluorite with good luster, translucent to transparent appearance, and beautiful lilac color which gradually intensifies from top to bottom; the black patina present at the bottom is probably due to a metallic sulfide.

Normally specimens coming from this classic mine are not so excellent in quality but this piece displays a nice aesthetic and can be considered highly representative.

– Abstract – The Jbel Tirremi Fluorite-Barite deposit, located in the Taourirt region (northeastern Morocco), is hosted in a Jurassic-aged structurally high carbonate platform known as the Jbel Tirremi dome. The host rocks consist of unmetamorphosed, flat-lying early Jurassic dolomitized limestones. The orebodies consist mostly of Fluorite and Barite, and occur as open-space fillings and partial to massive replacement of the enclosing medium- to coarse-grained dolomitized limestones. The ore mineralogy is dominated by Fluorite of different colors and habits, Barite, and, to a lesser extent, Sulfides. The Fluorite and Barite mineralization are petrogenetically unrelated, pointing instead to the regional circulation of hydrothermal basinal brines mixed to various degrees with meteoric water. For more info

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