CORUNDUM – Madagascar – GFS0395

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 850,00 +TAX


Zazafotsy Quarry, Zazafotsy, Ihosy District, Ihorombe, Madagascar

7,4×7,2×5,5 cm. ( crystal 2×1,4×1,2 cm.)

Sitting on a dark, shiny biotite schist matrix, there’s a rare, single euhedral Corundum crystal which features excellent luster and a red color, more pronounced in the center, well visible in video. This specimen displays very well and can be considered highly representative for this locality.

Madagascar is one of the most important gem-producing countries in the world, including ruby and sapphires. Gem corundum deposits formed at different stages in the geological evolution of the island and in contrasting environments, for more info . In 2001 Federico Pezzotta managed to organize a more thorough excavation, and found two corundum bearing horizons in Zazafotsy area.

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